For several years, the club has had managers, who, let's say, were not as aggressive or proactive as they should have been. It became necessary for members to take the lead on many projects to see them to fruition.
Rules were not followed and budgets were exceeded. The communications between the managers and the members was non existent. This is one major contributor to the soft financial position of the club today.
The "Blond Mafia" is a small group of friends who have decided they will do as they please despite the requests, and subsequently the demands of the President and or the Manager. They were recently caught asking for the club credit card to make some allegedly approved purchases. There is no such company charge card.
This is destroying the moral of all employees and management. When Terry Basher was asked to take the job of running the club, she was promised no micro management and would be allowed to run the club professionally. This has not happened and thus she has tendered her resignation.
We cannot loose her! She is the best thing that has happened to this club in over a decade. Mr. Tom Campbell and Mr. Jim Barr did a nationwide search and decided that Terry was the best person for the job. I agree as do most of the members who know her. Thank You Tom and Jim for a job well done.
What can we do?
Number one...Let Terry do her job! We must stop micro managing her, if she makes a mistake, we will tell her, but then let's move on.
Two...The members and the board need to start respecting the by laws and the constitution of LBC.
Three...We must stick to the budget! That's why we have one. We CAN do it!
Four...The self appointed "Blond Mafia" needs to get a life and stop messing up the moral of the employees and the budget of the club.
Five...If you think she is doing a good job, I am sure she would like to hear from you. Sometimes we all could use an "atta boy".